Stirling Technologies, Inc. (c) 1990-1994 SRCDIR SRCDISK TARGETDISK TARGETDIR WINDIR WINDISK WINSYSDIR WINSYSDISK ERRORFILENAME INFOFILENAME SUPPORTDIR CMDLINE ISVERSION SHARED UNINST ISRES ISUSER FOLDER_DESKTOP FOLDER_STARTMENU FOLDER_STARTUP PROGRAMFILES COMMONFILESt LAST_RESULT CMDVALUE HINST_INSTALL BATCH_INSTALL LOGHANDLE FlcuOptions accounts office planning personell quality sales _sdRECT right bottom TRANSLATORINFO szInstallPath lDescription FontOptions ClipOpt _sdSIZE CreateScalableFontResource AddFontResource SelectObject GetTextExtentPoint EnableWindow GetClassName GetDC GetDlgItem GetFocus GetWindowLong GetWindowRect GetWindowWord IsIconic IsWindow IsWindowEnabled MoveWindow USER ReleaseDC SetFocus SetWindowText ShowWindow LoadString KERNEL GetModuleHandle GetClientRect SetWindowPos PostMessage ShowCursor SystemParametersInfo ODBCCP32 SQLInstallDriver ODBCCP32 SQLConfigDataSource ODBCCP32 SQLConfigDriver ODBCCP32 SQLInstallTranslator ODBCCP32 SQLInstallDriverManager All windows applications should be closed before installing this software. This includes software in the "Startup Group" for example Microsoft Office Manager, which can be closed by selecting exit on the Office Manager toolbar.A Welcome Welcome to Toplevel Computing's FastForms installation Are you sure you want to CANCEL the installation?A Select Application Select which application to install. If you wish to install more than one application, install one at a time, restarting the setup program between installations.J MainOptionSeta FastForms 2 (Complete Version)A MainOptionSeta" FastForms 3 (Time Limited Version)A MainOptionSeta& OfficeForms 1.1 (Time Limited Version)A MainOptionSetA Are you sure you want to CANCEL the installation?A MainOptionSeta FastForms 2 (Complete Version)! FastForms 2! \FForm2 MainOptionSeta" FastForms 3 (Time Limited Version)! FastForms 3$ \FForm3 OfficeForms! \OfisForm OfficeForms 1.1 For support during your evaluation of OfficeForms please call our special evaluation support line on 01453 758248.* Please enter the location for %sbK Are you sure you want to CANCEL the installation?A Select OfficeForms Installation Type Select which type of OfficeForms installation you require. A minimum installation includes only the main OfficeForms Designer and Filler. You can later rerun Setup to install additional components.J OFChoiceSeta Minimum InstallationA OFChoiceSeta Typical InstallationA OFChoiceSeta Custom InstallationA OFChoiceSetA Are you sure you want to CANCEL the installation?A OFChoiceSeta Minimum Installation! OFChoiceSeta Typical Installation! OFChoiceSeta Custom Installation! FontOptions FontOptions FlcuOptions FlcuOptions accounts FlcuOptions office FlcuOptions accounts FlcuOptions planning FlcuOptions personell FlcuOptions quality FlcuOptions sales ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt FontOptions FontOptions FlcuOptions FlcuOptions accounts FlcuOptions office FlcuOptions accounts FlcuOptions planning FlcuOptions personell FlcuOptions quality FlcuOptions sales ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt Custom Options Selectiona In the components list, select the items you want to install and clear the items you don't want to install. The Change button can be used for a custom selection of libraries and drinvVERs.bC Opts! Are you sure you want to CANCEL the installation?A ToplevelbK OF1_1A %s version %sbK FileSet Copying %s...a Forms Designer amd Forms Filler DATA32.Za MAN.Za *.*Bj Copying %s...a OfficeForms Tutorial TUT32.Za FileSet FileSet! OF1_1% formslib tloform.inia UserSettingsa FormsLibPathbM formdata tloform.inia UserSettingsa FormDataPathbM Installation Complete.* Installation Complete.A JOBAPP.MDB jobapp$ /f"b " /s"$ DBREG.EXE INVDATA.MDB invdata$ /f"b " /s"$ Copying OLE2 files DATA.Za OLE16\*.*Bj REGEDIT.EXE% OLE2.REG$ /S bO vshare.386R device=vshare.386 system.inib device=vshare, system.inib SYSTEM.INI 386Enha devicea vshare.386 ODBC, 32bit ODBC CONTROL.INI% ODBCCP32.DLL% MMCPLb CONTROL.INI% MMCPLa 32bit ODBCa ODBCCP32.DLL ODBCCP32.DLL CORE.Za *.*Bj Copying Manager Files$ ODBCb \MANAGER\*.* DATA.ZbO ODBCb \MANAGER\WIN31\*.* DATA.ZbO ODBCb \MANAGER\WIN95\*.* DATA.ZbO ODBCb \MANAGER\WINNT\*.* DATA.ZbO ODBCb DATA.ZbQ _ODINST.INI% ODBC Removea Managera Unable to find a _ODINST.INI$ in the TARGET DIRECTORY* ODBCCP32.DLL ODBCCP32.DLL SOFTWARE\ODBC\ODBCINST.INI\ ODBC TranslatorsP ODBC TranslatorsQ MS Code Page TranslatorA InstalledA MS Code Page TranslatorP SETUP% MSCPXL32.DLL MS Code Page TranslatorQ TRANSLATOR% MSCPXL32.DLL MS Code Page TranslatorQ MS Code Page TranslatorR UsageCount2 MS Code Page TranslatorQ UsageCountA _ODINST.INI% ODBC Removea Translator1a MS Code Page Translator! Unable to find a _ODINST.INI$ in the TARGET DIRECTORY* _2532.INI DescriptionR Driver=! Driver=b _2532.INI% Driverb Setup=! Setup=b _2532.INI% Setupb ODBCCP32.DLL _ODINST.INI$ Driverb ODBC RemovebO Unable to find a _ODINST.INI$ in the TARGET DIRECTORY* ODBCCP32.DLL _2532.INI DescriptionR DBQ=b DefaultDir=b DSN=b DriverR Driver=b ODBCCP32.DLL ODBCCP32.DLL SOFTWARE\MICROSOFT\WINDOWS\CURRENTVERSION\UNINSTALLb UninstallString2 UNODBC.DLL$ UninstallStringB unInstallShieldR UNODBC.DLL$ NONE( unInstallShieldb FastForms 2 Installation! Forms.exe,Form Designer,$ Filler.exe,Form Filler, Manual.hlp,OfficeForms Help, Filler.exe,Example Forms and Databases,Formslib\menu.ofm Filler.exe,Order Form,Formslib\order.ofm Filler.exe,Form Filler,$ Manual.hlp,OfficeForms Help, demo32.exe,OfficeForms Tutorial,welcom32.dbd FLibCU.exe,Forms Library Customisation Utility,! FontOptions Warning: Many of the supplied forms rely on the Required Fonts and will not display or print satisfactorily without them. Do you wish to change the options you have selected?A Warning: The Tutorial requires the latest version of the OfficeForms program files to run. Do you wish to change the options you have selected?A FlcuOptions FlcuOptions accounts FlcuOptions office FlcuOptions planning Warning: The Forms Library requires the Forms Customisation Utility. If you have not installed this before you should change your selection to include it. Do you wish to change the options you have selected?A FlcuOptions personell FlcuOptions quality FlcuOptions sales Warning: The Forms Library requires the Forms Customisation Utility. If you have not installed this before you should change your selection to include it. Do you wish to change the options you have selected?A Warning: OfficeForms requires Odbc Database Driver support to work. If you do not have Odbc already installed, you should change your selection to include it. Do you wish to change the options you have selected?A FlcuOptions Warning: OfficeForms requires Odbc Database Driver support to work. If you do not have Odbc already installed, you should change your selection to include it. Do you wish to change the options you have selected?A Warning: Odbc Drivers require the Odbc Manager to work correctly. If you have not previously installed the Odbc Manager you should change your selection to include it. Do you wish to change the options you have selected?A 95SET! Creating Program Folder and Icon... Copying Shared Files... share32.zA Copy Odbc Files... ACCESSb PARADOXb EXCELb FOXPROb DBASEb SQLSERVb BTRIEVEb ORACLEb ORACLE7b TEXTb ACCESSb PARADOXb EXCELb FOXPROb DBASEb SQLSERVb BTRIEVEb ORACLEb ORACLE7b TEXTb FORMSLIB,PICTURES,EXES,TEMPLATE,FormDatab Restarting Windowsb ODBC Database DriversA ODBC Database DriversA These allow forms to create databases in which to store data and to link to existing databases. Odbc Opts` ODBC Database DriversA Odbc Manager and Microsoft Access DriverA Microsoft Paradox DriverAp Microsoft Excel DriverA Microsoft Foxpro DriverA Microsoft Dbase DriverAp SQL Server DriverA Microsoft Text DriverA Odbc Manager and Microsoft Access DriverA Required for OfficeForms database operations Forms Library and Customisation UtilityA Forms Library and Customisation UtilityA Library of professionally designed forms with a program that customises each form with your details. Flcu Opts` Forms Library and Customisation UtilityA FlcuOptions Forms Customisation UtilityA FlcuOptions accounts Forms Library - AccountsA FlcuOptions office Forms Library - OfficeA FlcuOptions planning Forms Library - PlanningA FlcuOptions personell Forms Library - PersonellA FlcuOptions quality Forms Library - Quality ManagementA FlcuOptions sales Forms Library - SalesA Forms Customisation UtilityA Required to customise the Forms Library Clipart LibraryA Clipart LibraryA 1000 clipart images in 16 different categories. Clip Opts` Clipart LibraryA Forms Designer amd Forms FillerA G Forms Designer amd Forms FillerA Installs the main programs and support files. OfficeForms TutorialA OfficeForms TutorialA Quick start interactive guide to using OfficeForms. ODBC Database Drivers! Odbc OptsK Odbc Manager and Microsoft Access Driver! Microsoft Paradox Driver! Microsoft Excel Driver! Microsoft Foxpro Driver! Microsoft Dbase Driver! SQL Server Driver! Microsoft Text Driver! Forms Library and Customisation Utility! Flcu OptsK Forms Customisation Utility! FlcuOptions Forms Library - Accounts! FlcuOptions accounts Forms Library - Office! FlcuOptions office Forms Library - Planning! FlcuOptions planning Forms Library - Personell! FlcuOptions personell Forms Library - Quality Management! FlcuOptions quality Forms Library - Sales! FlcuOptions sales Clipart Library! Clip Opts Forms Designer amd Forms Filler! OfficeForms Tutorial! Copying %s...a' Forms Library and Customisation Utility FlcuOptions FLCU32.Za FlcuOptions accounts FORMSLIB\ACCOUNTS\ LIB.Za FORMSLIB\ACCOUNTS\A FlcuOptions office FORMSLIB\OFFICE\ LIB.Za FORMSLIB\OFFICE\A FlcuOptions planning FORMSLIB\PLANNING\ LIB.Za FORMSLIB\PLANNING\A FlcuOptions personell FORMSLIB\PERSONEL\ LIB.Za FORMSLIB\PERSONEL\A FlcuOptions quality FORMSLIB\QUALITY\ LIB.Za FORMSLIB\QUALITY\A FlcuOptions sales FORMSLIB\SALES\ LIB.Za FORMSLIB\SALES\A PICTURES FlcuOptions FlcuOptions accounts FlcuOptions office FlcuOptions planning FlcuOptions personell FlcuOptions quality FlcuOptions sales Uninstall OfficeFormsb FontOptions FontOptions FontOptions FontOptions FontOptions FontOptions FlcuOptions FlcuOptions accounts FlcuOptions office FlcuOptions planning FlcuOptions personell FlcuOptions quality FlcuOptions sales FlcuOptions FlcuOptions accounts FlcuOptions office FlcuOptions planning FlcuOptions personell FlcuOptions quality FlcuOptions sales *.*Bj Software\Toplevel\fTloform.inia Software\Toplevel\Office Forms Fillera Software\Toplevel\dTloform.inia Software\Toplevel\Office Formsa {7E5362A0-C900-11CE-A7A9-00001B0E0C06} OfficeFormsFiller.Applicationa Office Forms Filler Application OfficeFormsFiller.Application\CLSIDb CLSID\b Office Forms Filler Application$ CLSID\b \ProgId OfficeFormsFiller.Application( ole2.dll LocalServer InprocHandler, ole32.dll LocalServer32 InprocHandler32 CLSID\b CLSID\b {7E5362A0-C900-11CE-A7A9-00001B0E0C07}$ CLSID\b .ofma OfficeFormsFill.Document OfficeFormsFill.Documenta Office Forms Filler Document OfficeFormsFill.Document\shell\open\ddeexeca [open("%1")] OfficeFormsFill.Document\protocol\StdFileEditing\verb\0a &Edit OfficeFormsFill.Document\Insertablea OfficeFormsFill.Document\NotInsertablea OfficeFormsFill.Document\CLSIDb Office Forms Filler Document$ \ProgId OfficeFormsFill.Document$ \AuxUserType\3 Office Forms$ \AuxUserType\2 Form$ \Insertable \verb\1 &Open,0,2$ \verb\0 &Edit,0,2( ole2.dll LocalServer InprocHandler FILLER16, ole32.dll LocalServer32 InprocHandler32 FILLER$ \MiscStatus \DefaultIcon$ OfficeFormsFill.Document\protocol\StdFileEditing\serverb OfficeFormsFill.Document\shell\open\commandbN /p "%1" OfficeFormsFill.Document\shell\print\commandbN /pt "%1" "%2" "%3" "%4" OfficeFormsFill.Document\shell\printto\commandbN OfficeFormsFill.Document\shell\Design\commandbN {7E5362A0-C900-11CE-A7A9-00001B0E0C08}$ CLSID\b OfficeFormsDesign.Documenta Office Forms Design Document OfficeFormsDesign.Document\protocol\StdFileEditing\verb\0a &Edit OfficeFormsDesign.Document\Insertablea OfficeFormsDesign.Document\CLSIDb Office Forms Document$ \ProgId OfficeFormsDesign.Document$ \AuxUserType\3 Office Forms$ \AuxUserType\2 Form$ \Insertable \verb\1 &Open,0,2$ \verb\0 &Edit,0,2 OfficeFormsDesign.Document\protocol\StdFileEditing\serverb ole2.dll LocalServer InprocHandler, ole32.dll LocalServer32 InprocHandler32$ \MiscStatus \DefaultIcon$ .ofda OfficeFormsFill.Document FILLER16.EXE FORMS16.EXE FILLER.EXE FORMS.EXE Arial SetupA DISK%d.IDB Please insert disk # %dB Are you sure you want to CANCEL the installation?A Target directory is Read Only.A Please insert the correct disk.A Please insert disk ONE.A General file transfer error. Please check your target location and try again. Error Number: %d Related File: %sB The target location must be different to the source. Please specify a different location.A %s - invalid driveb Unable to create specified path - %s Please enter a correct path like C:\DIRECTORYb FontOptions Font1a% ARLRDBD,CHANCY,FIRSTGR,PENTIP,TECHNCL FontOptions Font2a ACKLIN,AGATHA,ALADDN,ALBERT,AMPH Font2a# ANGLIC,ARENACL,ARENAK,ARISTCR,AVIAN Font2a" BALGNAB,BEETLJ,BORDBK,BORDBS,BORDL Font2a BORDM,BRSHHND,BRSHST,BUCKGM,CASQ Font2a! CASQOF,CASSIA,CHOKKO,CLEARG,COMIX Font2a" COMIXH,COOKY,CRESSID,CRICKET,DATCO Font2a* DIGIFACE,DINGBAT1,DINGBAT2,DINRTIME,DRACON Font2a ENCINO,ERGOR,FAC,FERNAND,FOSSIL Font2a FUTR,FUTRC,FUTRST,GAELIC,GARN Font2a GILD,GRAVR,HALBT,HAMMRF,HAMMRT Font2a HAND,HANDYBR,IGNACS,JOLT,JULIUS Font2a! KOFFEE,KRONE,LADYBUG,LIDDY,LIDDYK Font2a LITH,LUFTWAFF,MARAC,MARKP,MARLBO Font2a MARQ,MARQENG,MARQF,MEDF,MEMR Font2a# MENTH,MOROCC,MURPHYS,NEWELL,OLDENGL Font2a OLIVA,PAINTR,PENCHNT,PENYA,PLOVR Font2a$ PRESTNS,PROMENAD,PYXID,REVELM,ROMNST Font2a RUBYS,SCHWRZW,SCOGIN,SENAT,SHARN Font2a$ SHOTSH,SKETCHH,SNOWCAPS,SPRINT,STNGR Font2a% TABATH,TABATHF,TEMPUR,ULTRASH,UNCIALR FontOptions FontOptions FontOptions FontOptions Fonts Required By Forms LibraryBj Fonts Required By Forms LibraryA Five TrueType fonts used by the forms library. FontOptions FontOptions Additional FontsBj Additional FontsA Additional high-quality fonts for your PC. FontOptions FontOptions FontOptions Required Fontsa font1.z FontOptions Additional Fontsa font2.z FontOptions Fonts Required By Forms Library! FontOptions FontOptions FontOptions Additional Fonts! FontOptions FontOptions SYSTEM \FONTS\ fonts.ini& (TrueType) \Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Fontsb \Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Fontsb (TrueType) WIN.INIa fontsb WIN.INIa fontsb Copying %s...b ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt ClipOpt Clipart : AnimalsA e Clipart : BordersA Clipart : BusinessAp Clipart : EducationA Clipart : FoodA` Clipart : GardenA0+6 Clipart : HealthA` Clipart : LeisureA Clipart : MiscellaneousA` Clipart : OccasionA Clipart : PeopleAPD* Clipart : ReligionA Clipart : SportA u8 Clipart : TechnologyA Clipart : TravelA02 Clipart : XmasA0g, ClipOpt ANIMALS\a Clipart : Animals ClipOpt BORDERS\a Clipart : Borders ClipOpt BUSINESS\a Clipart : Business ClipOpt EDUCTION\a Clipart : Education ClipOpt FOOD\a Clipart : Food ClipOpt GARDEN\a Clipart : Garden ClipOpt HEALTH\a Clipart : Health ClipOpt LEISURE\a Clipart : Leisure ClipOpt MISC\a Clipart : Miscellaneous ClipOpt OCCASION\a Clipart : Occasion ClipOpt PEOPLE\a Clipart : People ClipOpt RELIGION\a Clipart : Religion ClipOpt SPORT\a Clipart : Sport ClipOpt TECH\a Clipart : Technology ClipOpt TRAVEL\a Clipart : Travel ClipOpt XMAS\a Clipart : Xmas Clipart : Animals! ClipOpt Clipart : Borders! ClipOpt Clipart : Business! ClipOpt Clipart : Education! ClipOpt Clipart : Food! ClipOpt Clipart : Garden! ClipOpt Clipart : Health! ClipOpt Clipart : Leisure! ClipOpt Clipart : Miscellaneous! ClipOpt Clipart : Occasion! ClipOpt Clipart : People! ClipOpt Clipart : Religion! ClipOpt Clipart : Sport! ClipOpt Clipart : Technology! ClipOpt Clipart : Travel! ClipOpt Clipart : Xmas! ClipOpt Copying %s...b clip.zbN FastForm.exe,FastForms 3,,FALSE DEMO.EXE,FastForms Tutorial,Welcom.dbd,FALSE DEMO32.EXE,FastForms Tutorial,Welcom32.dbd,FALSE! FastForms 3, FastForm.exe,FastForms 2,,FALSE! FastForms 2 FastForm.exe! ToplevelbK FastForm.exeE FastForms) fastform.exeR: The Directory you have chosen contains a copy of FastForms. Do you wish to overwrite this with the new installation of FastForms? Remove the existing version of FastForms - or select an alternate directoryA .tfma FF.Form FF.Form FF.Forma FastForms Form FF.Form\Shell\open\command FF.Form\Shell\open\commandb& FF.Form\DefaultIcon FF.Form\DefaultIconb' General Copying Program Files... *.*Bk *.*Bk Copying a On Line Tutorial$ Copying Program Files... Please insert disk #b5 Are you sure you want to CANCEL the installation?A Target Directory is Read OnlyA Please insert the correct diskA Please insert disk ONEA General file transfer error.a0 Please check your target location and try again.$ Error Number:$ Related File: $ Creating Program Folder and Icon... FFManual.hlp$ winhelp.exe bN Manual On C.D. Creating Program Folder and Icon... Creating Program Folder and Icon...( Installation Complete.* Installation Complete.A TRUE! /RegisterA edit( SETUPSTR862RN Disk Space0 temp.txt temp.txt In function '%s': Unable to create dialog. Make sure the _ISRES.DLL is in _SETUP.LIB. ErrorbO _sdSIZEa %s-%ldb SdAskDestPath! ResultA szDirA SdAskDestPath! szDirA ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdWelcome! ResultA SdSelectFolder! ResultA szFolderA SdSelectFolder! szFolderA ResultA SdSetupType! ResultA szDirA SdSetupType! szDirA ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowAnyDialog! ResultA SdShowMsg! SdShowMsg/ _sdRECTa _sdRECTa bottom2 SdAskOptionsList! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptionsList! ComponentA ResultA SdShowFileMods! ResultA nSelectionA SdShowFileMods! nSelectionA ResultA SdAskOptions! ResultA ComponentA SdAskOptions! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentMult! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentMult! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialog2! ResultA ComponentA SdComponentDialog2! ComponentA ResultA SdComponentDialogEx SdComponentDialogEx! SdComponentDialog! ResultA ComponentA szDirA SdComponentDialog! szDirA ComponentA ResultA SdFinishReboot! ResultA BootOptionA ResultA BootOptionA ResultA ResultA BootOptionA 3.00.077